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· 4 min read
Gaurav Marsoniya

pwa app


In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. One of the latest trends that has gained significant traction is the adoption of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). These applications combine the best of both worlds – the web and mobile applications – to deliver a seamless and engaging user experience. For Magento 2 store owners, the transition to a dynamic PWA is not just a trend; it's a strategic move to enhance performance, user engagement, and overall customer satisfaction.

What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)?

Progressive Web Apps are web applications that leverage modern web technologies to provide a native-app-like experience. PWAs are known for their responsiveness, reliability, and speed, offering users an immersive experience similar to native mobile apps. Key features of PWAs include offline functionality, push notifications, and the ability to be installed on users' devices.

Why Convert Your Magento 2 Store to a PWA?

1. Improved Performance:

PWAs are designed to load faster and perform more efficiently than traditional websites. By converting your Magento 2 store into a PWA, you ensure that users experience quick page loads and smooth interactions, leading to higher user satisfaction and retention.

2. Enhanced User Experience:

PWAs provide a seamless and engaging user experience. The ability to work offline and the responsiveness of the application contribute to a more enjoyable shopping experience for customers. PWAs also eliminate the need for users to download and install large applications, making the process more user-friendly.

3. Increased Conversions:

Faster loading times and a smoother user experience contribute to higher conversion rates. Studies have shown that even a one-second delay in page load time can result in a significant drop in conversions. By optimizing your Magento 2 store as a PWA, you can positively impact your conversion rates and ultimately boost sales.

4. Cross-Platform Compatibility:

PWAs work seamlessly across various devices and platforms. Whether your customers are accessing your store on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device, a PWA ensures a consistent and optimized experience.

Steps to Convert Your Magento 2 Store to a PWA:

1. Select a PWA Studio:

Choose a PWA studio that aligns with your business requirements. Magento's PWA Studio is a popular choice, providing a set of tools and development practices for building a PWA on top of your existing Magento 2 store.

2. Install and Configure PWA Studio:

Install the PWA Studio on your Magento 2 store and configure it according to your preferences. This may involve adjusting themes, styles, and other settings to create a seamless integration with your brand.

3. Optimize for Performance:

Ensure that your PWA is optimized for performance. This includes optimizing images, minimizing code, and implementing caching strategies to enhance page load times.

4. Enable Push Notifications:

Take advantage of push notifications to keep your customers informed about promotions, discounts, and new product arrivals. Push notifications can help re-engage users and drive repeat business.

5. Test and Debug:

Thoroughly test your PWA across different devices and browsers to ensure a consistent and bug-free experience. Address any issues or bugs that arise during testing to guarantee a smooth transition for your customers.

6. Launch and Monitor:

Once you are satisfied with the performance and functionality of your PWA, launch it to the public. Monitor user feedback and analytics to make continuous improvements and enhancements.


Transforming your Magento 2 store into a dynamic Progressive Web App is a strategic investment that can significantly impact your business's success in the digital era. By focusing on improved performance, enhanced user experience, and increased conversions, you position your store to meet the evolving expectations of online shoppers. Embrace the future of e-commerce with a PWA and provide your customers with a seamless, responsive, and engaging shopping experience.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Marsoniya

Chrome with cookies


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the impending end of third-party cookies has sent ripples across the online ecosystem. As major players in the tech industry prepare for this seismic shift, Google has taken the lead in crafting a more privacy-centric and user-friendly web experience. This blog post explores Google's proactive measures and the urgent steps website owners need to take as we approach the deprecation of third-party cookies.

The Demise of Third-Party Cookies

Third-party cookies, those little pieces of data that track user behavior across different websites, have long been the backbone of online advertising. However, concerns about user privacy and the increasing wave of regulatory scrutiny have prompted companies to reevaluate their data practices. In response to this shifting landscape, Google announced its intention to phase out third-party cookies from its Chrome browser.

The Countdown Begins:

1. Testing Phase Commences:

From January 4th, 2024, Google Chrome will disable third-party cookies for 1% of users to facilitate extensive testing. This phase is instrumental in identifying and resolving any potential issues before the broader implementation.

2. Ramp Up to 100% Users in Q3 2024:

The testing phase will gradually evolve, ramping up to 100% of Chrome users by the third quarter of 2024. However, this timeline is contingent upon addressing competition concerns raised by the UK's Competition and Markets Authority.

Action Steps for Website Owners:

Conduct a comprehensive audit of your website to identify all instances where third-party cookies are currently utilized. This will provide a clear understanding of the areas that need adjustment.

2. Explore Alternatives:

In light of the impending changes, explore alternative solutions to replace the functionality of third-party cookies. Consider adopting privacy-preserving technologies.

3. Enhance First-Party Data Collection:

Emphasize the collection of first-party data through transparent and user-consented interactions. Building direct relationships with your audience will remain a key strategy in delivering personalized experiences without relying on third-party cookies.

4. Review Privacy Policies:

Ensure that your privacy policies are up-to-date and clearly communicate how user data is handled on your website. Transparency is crucial in maintaining trust with your audience.

5. Stay Informed on Industry Developments:

Given the evolving nature of digital privacy regulations, stay informed about industry developments and any updates from Google regarding the status of the third-party cookie deprecation. Flexibility and adaptability will be essential during this transition period.

Conclusion :

As Chrome begins the testing phase for the deprecation of third-party cookies, website owners must act swiftly to adapt their strategies and technologies. By proactively auditing cookie usage, exploring alternative solutions, and enhancing first-party data collection, businesses can navigate this transition successfully. Stay vigilant, keep abreast of industry updates, and ensure that your online presence aligns with the forthcoming changes in the digital landscape. This preparation will not only enable a seamless transition but also uphold your commitment to user privacy and data transparency. Together, as an industry, we can embrace a new era of responsible and user-centric marketing in the evolving digital ecosystem.

· 4 min read
Gaurav Marsoniya

UI Component libraries image

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, staying updated with the latest technologies and tools is crucial. React, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries, continues to dominate the frontend development scene. To enhance your React projects in 2024, we've curated a list of the top 10 React component libraries that are set to make waves in the coming year. These libraries not only simplify the development process but also ensure sleek and responsive user interfaces. Let's dive into the future of React component libraries!

1. Chakra UI

  • Key Features : Themeability, accessibility, and a component-based architecture.

  • Why Choose : Offers a delightful developer experience and empowers developers to create beautiful and accessible interfaces with ease.

  • URL :

2. Ant Design

  • Key Features : A comprehensive design system with a vast set of components.

  • Why Choose : Known for its enterprise-level quality, Ant Design provides a consistent and polished look to your applications.

  • URL :

3. Tailwind CSS

  • Key Features : A utility-first CSS framework with React components.

  • Why Choose : Enables rapid UI development with a focus on flexibility and customization. Perfect for those who prefer a utility-first approach.

  • URL :

4. NextUI

  • Key Features : Themeability, accessibility, Dark mode, and a component-based architecture.

  • Why Choose : NextUI is a UI library for React that helps you build beautiful and accessible user interfaces. Created on top of Tailwind CSS and React Aria.

  • URL :

5. Material-UI

  • Key Features : Implements Google's Material Design principles.

  • Why Choose : A well-established library with a vast community, Material-UI ensures a visually appealing and consistent design across your React applications.

  • URL :

6. Evergreen

  • Key Features : A React UI framework for building ambitious products.

  • Why Choose : Streamlines the development process with a set of flexible and customizable components, allowing you to focus on building unique features.

  • URL :

7. Rebass

  • Key Features : A minimalist React UI library with a focus on responsive design.

  • Why Choose : Lightweight and easy to use, Rebass provides a quick and efficient way to create modern and responsive user interfaces.

  • URL :

8. Semantic UI React

  • Key Features : Integration of Semantic UI with React components.

  • Why Choose : Leverages the simplicity of Semantic UI while providing a seamless integration with React, making it an excellent choice for quick and intuitive development.

  • URL :

9. Grommet

  • Key Features : A powerful React component library with a focus on responsive design.

  • Why Choose : Grommet provides a wide array of components and theming options, making it suitable for building visually appealing and responsive interfaces.

  • URL :

10. Carbon Components React

  • Key Features : IBM's open-source design system implemented in React.

  • Why Choose : Backed by IBM's design expertise, Carbon Components React ensures consistency and accessibility in your applications.

  • URL :

Conclusion :

As we enter 2024, the React ecosystem continues to thrive with innovative component libraries that cater to diverse development needs. Whether you prioritize aesthetics, functionality, or both, these 10 React component libraries are positioned to enhance your projects and contribute to new standards in UI development. Stay on the cutting edge by integrating these libraries into your React toolkit and witness the seamless transformation of your applications. Remember, the numbering is merely for organizational purposes, and the order does not imply superiority; each library is valuable based on your specific project requirements. If you believe we've overlooked anything or have suggestions, please reach out to us at Happy coding!

· 4 min read
Gaurav Marsoniya

e-commerce image


In the dynamic world of e-commerce, the right theme can make a significant difference in the success of your online store. One such theme that has been gaining popularity for Magento 2 is the Hyvä theme. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of migrating your Magento 2 store to the Hyvä theme, unlocking a new level of performance and user experience for your customers.

1. Understanding Hyvä Theme

Introduction to Hyvä Theme

The Hyvä theme is renowned for its performance optimization and user-centric design. Developed with a focus on speed and flexibility, it offers a refreshing alternative to traditional Magento themes.

Benefits of Hyvä Theme

  • Improved Performance: Hyvä is designed to provide lightning-fast page load times, optimizing the overall performance of your Magento 2 store.

  • Enhanced User Experience: With a clean and intuitive design, Hyvä improves the user experience, making navigation seamless for your customers.

  • Flexibility: Hyvä is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor the theme to meet the specific needs and branding of your store.

2. Preparing for Migration

Backup Your Store

Before embarking on the migration process, it's crucial to create a comprehensive backup of your Magento 2 store. This ensures that you have a safety net in case anything goes awry during the migration.

Review Extensions and Customizations

Identify and review all the extensions and customizations currently in use on your store. Check for compatibility with the Hyvä theme, and if necessary, seek updated versions or alternatives to ensure a smooth transition.

3. Setting Up a Development Environment

Local Development Environment

To minimize the impact on your live store, set up a local development environment. This allows you to test the migration process and make necessary adjustments without affecting the live site.

Installing Hyvä Theme

In your development environment, install the Hyvä theme by following the step-by-step instructions provided in the official documentation. Ensure that you are using a version of Hyvä that is compatible with your Magento 2 version.

4. Data Migration

Content and Data Backup

Before migrating, back up essential data such as products, customer information, and orders. This ensures that no crucial information is lost during the migration process.

Theme Configuration

Configure the Hyvä theme settings to match your store's requirements. This includes adjusting layout options, typography, and color schemes to align with your brand.

5. Testing the Migration

Testing Functionality

Thoroughly test the migrated store to ensure that all functionalities, including product browsing, cart management, and checkout processes, are working correctly. Address any issues or inconsistencies that may arise.

Performance Testing

Conduct performance testing to verify that the Hyvä theme has indeed improved the speed and responsiveness of your store. Optimize any elements that may be impacting performance.

6. Troubleshooting and Common Issues

Troubleshooting Tips

In case of any issues during the migration process, refer to the troubleshooting tips provided in the official documentation. Additionally, seek support from the Hyvä community and forums.

Community Support

Join online communities and forums where you can connect with other Hyvä theme users. Sharing experiences and seeking advice from the community can be invaluable in resolving challenges.

7. Finalizing the Migration

Go-Live Checklist

Before making the migrated store live, go through a checklist of tasks. Update DNS settings, remove maintenance mode, and ensure that everything is in order for a seamless transition.

Post-Migration Optimization

Continue to optimize your store post-migration. Regularly monitor performance, update extensions, and stay informed about new features and updates in the Hyvä theme.


Migrating your Magento 2 store to the Hyvä theme is a strategic move toward improving performance and enhancing the user experience. By following this comprehensive guide, you've equipped yourself with the knowledge and steps needed to make a successful transition. Embrace the benefits of the Hyvä theme and watch your online store thrive in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

We encourage you to share your experiences or ask any questions in the comments section below. Happy migrating!

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· 2 min read
Gaurav Marsoniya

e-commerce image

Introduction: In today's changing world, small businesses in emerging markets are discovering exciting opportunities for growth by combining the powers of online selling (e-commerce) and smart technology (artificial intelligence or AI). This blog will explore how these cool technologies are reshaping the way small businesses work, connect with customers, and succeed in emerging markets.

The Rise of E-Commerce for Small Businesses: local shops and small businesses are now setting up digital shops on the internet. People can now buy things online easily, and this is not only changing how people shop but is also giving smaller businesses a chance to compete better in the big market.

Understanding AI in Small Business E-Commerce: AI, once considered exclusive to large corporations, is now accessible to small businesses in emerging markets. Machine learning algorithms and data analytics empower these enterprises to understand their customers better, make data-driven decisions, and compete on a digital playing field.

Personalization for Small Business Success: Imagine going to a store where everything feels like it's just for you. Personalization is crucial for small businesses in emerging markets to capture the attention of diverse consumers. AI-driven tools enable personalized recommendations, tailoring the shopping experience to individual preferences and building stronger connections with customers.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants for Customer Engagement: Resource constraints are common for small businesses, making it challenging to provide 24/7 customer support. AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants bridge this gap, engaging with customers, answering queries, and enhancing the overall online shopping experience.

AI in Supply Chain and Logistics Optimization: Efficient supply chain management is critical for small business success in emerging markets. AI technologies help streamline logistics, reduce costs, and improve inventory management, enabling small businesses to compete effectively.

Fraud Detection and Security for Trust: Building trust is crucial for small businesses in emerging markets. AI plays a vital role in securing online transactions, detecting and preventing fraud, ensuring that customers feel confident when making purchases from smaller e-commerce players.

Conclusion: As small businesses in emerging markets learn to navigate the digital world, using e-commerce and AI together is like having a superpower. These technologies don't just make things fair for small businesses; they also create new paths for success. Small businesses can now stand out and succeed in the big, competitive market.

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· 2 min read
Gaurav Marsoniya

Wisenetic logo

Harnessing Wise Technology, Attracting Success

Introduction: Welcome to the exciting world of Wisenetic Technologies! 🚀 In a realm where technology shapes our present and propels us into the future, we’re not just a company; we’re your trusted co-pilots on the journey of tech-powered growth and innovation.

Embarking on a Digital Odyssey: Imagine a digital landscape where your business effortlessly navigates the challenges, evolving with agility and finesse. At Wisenetic, we’re not merely IT enthusiasts — we’re your strategic companions in leveraging cutting-edge technology to thrust your business forward.

Unleashing the Power of Magento: Our expertise in Magento isn’t just about building online stores; it’s about crafting dynamic digital marketplaces that resonate with your audience. Seamlessly blending aesthetics with functionality, our Magento solutions redefine e-commerce success.

React, Next.js, and the Art of User Delight: When it comes to crafting captivating user experiences, React and Next.js are our secret ingredients. We breathe life into web applications, ensuring they’re not just functional but also immersive and user-friendly.

Node.js and Beyond: The heartbeat of real-time applications, Node.js, fuels our creations. We engineer real-time collaboration, robust APIs, and scalable solutions that keep pace with your business ambitions.

Headless Marvels: Enter the realm of headless solutions — where content and presentation decouple, giving you unparalleled flexibility. Whether it’s crafting a tailored CMS or architecting a dynamic web app, we thrive on making headless work for you.

Beyond Service: A True Partnership: We’re not here to deliver services and walk away; we’re here to co-create, innovate, and evolve alongside you. Your business objectives fuel our drive to excel, and your success is our ultimate metric.

Join the Wisenetic Odyssey: Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Whether you’re diving into e-commerce, craving captivating web experiences, or exploring the limitless potential of headless architecture, Wisenetic is your compass, guiding you toward the tech-powered future.

Conclusion: Get ready to redefine what’s possible in the digital realm. Together, let’s turn technology into a catalyst for your success. Join us in forging ahead, where innovation meets excellence, and possibilities are limitless. Welcome to Wisenetic — where your digital dreams become reality. 🌟

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